I’m going to be honest here, I have only had one experience of actual Media filming and that was on an application to college. I knew I wanted to do Media in further life so whether I got to Sixth Form or not I was determined to explore the topic. To get into college we had to complete a summer project. This was a mini film to a piece of music we had to create and think of ourselves. We had to plan out a story board which included taking pictures, considering the mise-en-scene, considering the location and also working out which camera angles and shot types we were going to use if we then decided to take on the project. My application with my storyboard and script I had written was sent off to the head of the Media department in the college and was accepted. I later passed on the college course to attend Sixth Form. Shortly before, in preparation for my interview I had created a short music video. I chose my character and created a small but simple storyboard as I was, at the time, unsure of how one was created. I then just dived straight in and made my video. Dare I say it was probably not as good as I could have done if I had actually studied the subject.
As I didn't do Media as a GCSE subject the filming and editing process was a big change for me. I have had no previous filming or editing experience. I had to learn the different processes of editing and also get to grips with the different camera angles I would be expected to use throughout the course.
It took me a while to understand and recognize the different camera angles and how I can use them in my filming to make my work look effective and to develop my skills. New editing programs on the Macs take some time to get used to but I have become familiar with most of them and am now starting to use them to enhance and create my work.
Programs such as Garage Band and Final Cut were a bit scary to be faced with but I am now understanding how they work a lot better.
Holly. x
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